How do I magscreen ...
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Question How do I magscreen parts (make sure they are magnetically clean) which will be integrated with my MFAM Dev Kit?

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In general, avoid stainless steel parts. If you have to use stainless steel parts, make sure it is made of SS316.

To make sure that the parts are magnetically clean, you can set up the MFAM Dev Kit in the gradiometer mode.

1. Have the two sensors separated by 20cm or more.

2. Turn on the gradient reading (green curve) in MagViewMFAM.

3. Place the part 10cm to one sensor and 30cm to the other.

4. Rotate the part while monitoring the gradient curve. Make sure you don't have any magnetic parts (such as keys, cell phone, watch) with you while doing this.

5. The peak-to-peak difference in the gradient curve (you may have to adjust the gradient scale if the curve wraps on screen) is the magnetic signature of the part at 10cm.

6. For the magnetic signature at different distances, scale the reading as 1/R^3. For example, if the part will be 20cm away, its magnetic signature should be 1/8 of of the reading at 10cm.
