Refraction and "oth...
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Question Refraction and "other" modes explanation in SCS

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At mode survey appears refraction and other. Before it was refraction and reflection. Now "other" means? Thanks for your help!

Thank you for reaching out. The manuals and technical documentation on our website and our new forum are good resources for questions regarding your hardware and software. 

"When you are in Refraction Mode, the seismic software treats some of the data scaling operations differently. Autoscaling operations are done based on the amplitude of the noise before the first breaks to minimize the amount of manual scaling that may be necessary. In Reflection or Other Mode, trace autoscaling is done by normalizing each trace to the maximum value of the trace shown on the display. 

Note: These are display features only – they do not affect the actual data. Refraction data acquired while in reflection or other mode, and vice versa, are perfectly valid."

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