To perform a heading error compensation flight, fly the UAV with MagArrow attached up to 100-150 meters in a low gradient area. Hover the drone in a single spot and rotate it slowly through 360 degrees while logging magnetic data the with MagArrow. By keeping the drone location stationary the mag field will be also be constant. Thus we are only left with the sensor reading as a function of orientation.
The MagArrow has two MFAM sensors, and the way they are arranged ensures that when one sensor is in its dead zone the other is at its optimum orientation, and vice versa. The readings from the two sensors are combined to produce one magnetometer reading only. The two sensor readings are weighted such that as one sensor approaches its dead zone it is weighted much less (down to zero in the dead zone) while the optimum oriented sensor is weighted more fully. Thus you get only one magnetometer reading with no dead zones whatsoever. In addition, the weighted averaging of the sensors still does partial heading error cancelling.