
EH5Pro is a comprehensive AMT (audio magnetotelluric) data processing software.  It provides a complete range of AMT data processing capabilities and viewing options.  Some of the process results include the following:

  • survey site positions and line azimuth based on instrument GPS readings
  • Apparent resistivity curves
  • Impedance phase curves
  • Coherencies
  • Survey strike, skew, and beta
  • E-field and H-field spectral densities
  • Bostick 1-D soundings
  • Impedance and tipper polar diagrams
  • Tipper curves
  • EMAP smoothed 2-D depth sections
  • Time series views
  • Export of EDI files, ASCII X-Y-Z files, Google Earth KMZ files
  • Remote referencing data processing
  • And much more!

Example Displays:

Image2D is an optional MT inversion program with a full range of data process capabilities and full Occam and RRI inversion routines.

Features and benefits

  • Export data in a variety of industry formats, including KMZ files for showing on Google Earth.
  • Construct 2D depth profiles to quickly illustrate subsurface conditions.
  • View your data in multiple ways with just the click of a button, giving users the ability to quickly ceate a multitide of results.