You will need to test the magnetometer on the dry deck or in your shop.
Connect the G882 directly to the junction box and use the black power supply Geometrics provided.
Verify operation. If working go to step 4. If the magnetometer is not working, then there is a hardware failure. There is nothing that can be done in the field at this point. Arrange to send it in by requesting an RMA number from our RMA page.
If the magnetometer is working then "dies" it would be useful to have the data from the "diagnostic survey". Review this
document: Diagnostic Surveys for CM221 Counter Equipped Magnetometers r-2.
Connect on board power supply (if different than the supply already checked) Verify operation. If it fails record Diagnostic Survey. If working proceed.
Connect Deck cable (if applicable). Verify operation. If it fails record Diagnostic Survey. If working proceed.
Connect Tow Cable. Verify operation. If it fails record Diagnostic Survey. If working proceed.
Deploy magnetometer under normal configuration. Begin a Diagnostic Survey. If the mag doesn't work under tow then there is a problem with the tow cable/interconnections.
Please take these steps and record the data when a failure occurs. (Best to record data all the time and then when it fails send the data to our Support Team, you can contact them through the support contact form. Make sure you are specific as to the conditions/configuration if/when it failed.)