The OS software requirements are provided which each release of the software when filling out the ECR/ECO. Those requirements depend on the version released. Over the last 25 years these requirements have changed. The software only supports Windows. We do not support Linux.
The last version of the SCS software support all 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows since Windows 7. Windows servers are excluded, since they have not been tested, but should work.
The hardware requirements are more complicated as it depends on the type of seismic survey, number of channels and software product SCS (SGOS, MGOS, ESOS, ...), SAS and options. It also depends how many network cards are needed, sample rate, and record length.
For small systems, SCS will require at a minimum 512MB of free memory. For large systems up to a Maximum of 2GB of free memory. The CPU follow the same pattern. Any CPU since Pentium 90, if supported by the OS, will work for small systems. A bigger survey system and continuous recording software may need i5 or i7 type CPU. An SSD drive may also be needed.