Our seismographs do not require periodic calibrations in that they do not
have any adjustable parameters. With that being said, we do recommend
that they are checked for performance and routine maintenance to include
intensive analog tests of the acquisition circuitry. A reasonable interval
would be around every 5 years for normal usage.
During these tests we verify that the seismograph analog performance
meets our specifications by using a seismic test system. This system
incorporates a standard reference oscillator and precision resistor
networks to inject known signals into the seismograph. We then use
algorithms in our software to calculate the response and performance of
the analog circuits.
This "performance test" is run whenever we receive an instrument in for
repair or evaluation. Some of our customers do prefer to have the performance of their instrument checked on a periodic basis especially if they are
required by their clients, for example the NRC. We offer these nontraceable
recertification’s to include a calibration certificate and test results
for a fee of $300.
If you would like us to perform performance verifications and a system
evaluation please reserve an RMA and obtain shipping instructions.