What is Seismic Ref...
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Question What is Seismic Refraction

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All wave phenomena, the most familiar being visible light, are subject to refraction, or a change in propagation direction, at interfaces between materials of contrasting propagation velocities. The bigger the difference in velocity, the more the energy is refracted or "bent". As the name implies, seismic refraction uses the travel times of refracted seismic energy to determine the seismic velocity of the earth. A short practical discussion of seismic refraction can be found here.

The most important thing to keep in mind when learning how the seismic refraction method works is this:

When doing seismic refraction, we are only interested in first-arrival energy at each geophone. The rest of the wave train -- reflected energy, surface waves, etc. are discarded and ignored. Except in the exceedingly rare case where the near-surface is slower than the speed of sound in air, the first-arrival energy will always be either direct or critically-refracted energy.

Common applications of seismic refraction include:

    Estimating rippability prior to excavation
    Mapping depth to bedrock/bedrock topography
    Mapping depth to ground water
    Measuring the thickness of the weathering zone
    Calculation of elastic moduli/assessment of rock quality
    Mapping thickness of landslides
    Identification and mapping of faults

Seismic refraction uses body waves, most commonly, p-waves. Shear-wave refraction can also be done, but it has become largely supplanted by MASW.

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